EurKEY Das Europäische Tastaturlayout

Frequently Asked Questions

Spread EurKEY, vote for this answer this answer on StackOverflow. Or consider making a donation. You can also migrate the layout to other Linux distributions. In case you had, please let me know so I can make these packages available to public.

Check this link: (it's for Windows XP but works for Windows 10 as well)

Make sure the key isn't configured as hot-key in your operating system. KeePass 2 uses ALT_GR + A for 'Global auto-type'. See for how to disable this hot-key.

Appearently it's not possible. The closest workaround is described on If you have a better solution, please let me know.

Gnome requires additional layouts to be activated with this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources show-all-sources true
For LXQt and other window managers, there are two options.
For a per-user configuration, add or change the keyboard definition in ~/.config/lxqt/session.conf:
For a system-wide configuration, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf and change the value of XkbLayout:
 Option "XkbLayout" "eu" 

More infos for other distributions can be found here:

For Windows, I created a registry file that maps the Insert key to AltGr. Making manual changes to the registry may damage your Windows installation. So if you know exactly what you are doing, and you know how to remove registry entries, you can try out the mapping. Here's to acitvate it, InsertToAltGr.reg, and here's to remove it, RemoveKeyMappings.reg. Again, only run it after having verified the registry files do what you want.

Here's a small guidance I received from someone having problem with the installation and finally managed it:
1. Windows Settings > Time and Language > Region & Language
2. In "Language | Preferred Language", click on any Language, then magically a button "Option" appears.
3. Keyboards > Add a keyboard > Add EurKey

This is a really strange phenomenon that some few people have encountered. It may be that the error tone occurs in some installations when the layout contains the capital ß (ẞ) (which was added to the German alphabet in 2017). The mere presence of the character seems to be enough for the problem to occur. I have created a version without this character, which has helped in all cases so far. You can download it here:

© Steffen Brüntjen 2008-2017 · Letzte Layout-Änderung: 15 May 2017